4 Reasons why you should start Blender in 2023

Helen Zhou
4 min readDec 31, 2022


Want to learn 3D modeling, but don’t know where to start? Blender is one of your choices, but you're still on the fence?

Photo by Magnet.me on Unsplash

Here are 4 reasons why Blender is the best.

#1: Blender is free

Blender is an open-source software that allows people like you and me to create so many things for free. No strings attached. (I’ve been using Blender on and off for at least 5 years, and haven’t paid a single dime!)

Other softwares like Maya, 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, etc all have a price tag attached to the software.

You’re interested in the world of 3D, and want to dip your toe in to see how it feels. Maybe you don’t have $1,000 hanging around for you to use, to get started. That’s where Blender comes into play.

If you realized that maybe 3D is not what you thought it would be, it’s ok. If you use Blender, you didn’t lose any money.

And because there are no limited trials, you can always jump back to it, 6 months later.

#2: A massive library on YouTube

Whenever you need help to do a certain task or have a certain question, YouTube is your number one place to go.

On YouTube, there are lots and lots of videos regarding Blender. From absolute beginner tutorials, to advance tutorials, to doing things you would never imagine a 3D software would do. (I’ll talk about this later!)

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

YouTube has a massive library of videos about everything in Blender.

There’s so much content like:

  • Step by step tutorials
  • Time-lapses
  • Explainer videos
  • How to use a certain tool in Blender

Even I uploaded a couple of videos teaching beginners.

Never think that Blender or any 3D software is hard to learn, if there is a library of videos and a strong community, you won’t have a problem. I will leave a few channels that I recommend at the end of the article.

#3: Blender is so much more than modeling

Blender can do so much, even though I haven’t gone into those uncharted territories yet.

Blender can do:

  • Modeling
  • Sculpting
  • Cloth simulation
  • Rigging
  • Animation
  • Rendering
  • 2D art
  • Video editing
  • And much more
Photo by Sebastian Svenson on Unsplash

#4: Community

Because of the low barrier to getting started, you will find many people who are cruising in the same boat as you are.

When you stumble across a problem in Blender, there might be a solution out there on the internet. A quick search will land you at your problem’s answer.

The Blender community is very welcoming because we all want to learn and succeed in our respective fields.

YouTube channels I recommend:

Blender Guru: This channel and this YouTuber helped me start Blender. And I’m pretty sure, he helped at least 95% of us that used YouTube as a search engine.

Since it’s 2023, he might make another video for the new year. If you are reading this after he has uploaded the new series, I will put it here. In the meantime, the current YouTube series of starting Blender is below!

Video of a person teaching people how to make a donut in Blender

Ryan King Art: This is the next YouTube channel and series I would recommend. His explanations are so concise and well thought out, and he goes straight to the point. I love his channel, there are so many videos about different topics.

Below will be his series for starting Blender. Check him out!


When you scroll through Instagram and you stop at a post of a 3D creation, don’t you wonder how people do it? Are you curious and want to try it out?

If you are interested, go give Blender a try. I promise you won’t regret it! Hit up YouTube, and search “Blender for beginners”. That should be a great starting point for you.

Check out my post about why you should start a YouTube channel in 2023.

Follow me for more Blender chats, as well as talking about YouTube, learning languages, and self-development!

Thank you so much for reading. Bye!



Helen Zhou

I write about learning languages, one handed activities, Blender and YouTube!