You are a plant — A Different Perspective

Helen Zhou
2 min readMar 15, 2023


You want to buy a plant and take care of it. To keep your plant healthy and happy you will need to give nutrients, hydrate it, and find the best spot for it to absorb sunlight.

Photo by Daniel Öberg on Unsplash

Now think of your plant as your body. Your body and mind are two different entities. Your mind is reading this Medium article right now, and your body is something entirely different.

To make your body healthy, you’ll need to hydrate it, and give it tons of water, but not too much. Just like plants, too much water will soak the plant and you will probably drown it. You have to give your body foods and nutrients like vitamins, for example, to fight off pesticides and other unwanted pests.

You have to find the perfect environment in your own surroundings so that your body can thrive.

Photo by Bindle Bottle on Unsplash

I watched this YouTube video about someone talking about their body as a temple. Where you have to nurture and give it love and affection. It’s like your house. When there are problems, like a roof tile has fallen off or one of your windows is broken, you must fix it.

The entity I’m talking about, whether it's the house, plant, or our outer shell, needs to be taken care of. Even if our brain says otherwise.

Especially when our mind says otherwise.

Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash

It’s a different way of reflecting on yourself. A different perspective that I haven’t had before. People always say you should love yourself and take care of your mental health. But those are still abstract concepts for me to grasp.

But when you at yourself as a temple, a house, or a plant, it becomes easier to visualize what taking care of yourself actually entails.

Am I hydrating my plant? Does it get enough sunlight per day? Am I feeding my plant with food and fuel?

And most importantly, do I want to take care of my plant so that it can live a long and happy life?

Yes, I do.

And hopefully, you do too.

Just a different perspective. I hope you enjoy today’s reading!



Helen Zhou

I write about learning languages, one handed activities, Blender and YouTube!