Why is it so difficult to start?

Helen Zhou
2 min readMar 9, 2023


Starting a new project, hobby, or something you wanted to try for the longest time is terrifying.

But it gets better.

Trust me.

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

And you don’t really know what the results will be if you don’t start. If you started a year ago, where would you be today?

Take me and my TikTok, for example.

I suck at recording myself on camera. Whether it’s for a YouTube video or an Instagram reel, I can never get used to the lenses that are staring right at me.

My first 20 to 30 videos were so cringy. I cannot look back at them.

It’s just crazy how much progress I made from that moment in time to today.

Yes, I have to practice and record a few times to get it right, but I feel more comfortable in front of the camera. Just a little.

I gained a decent following, and that is only because I pushed myself to film a TikTok every single day without stopping. Even if I knew I was scared, and really did not want to do it.

Photo by Behnam Norouzi on Unsplash

Just like you, I was scared to start a TikTok page and put myself out there.

And I haven’t listed the countless things I haven’t tried, because of this dilemma. The first step is the hardest. (most of the time)

But trust me, taking that step, that one baby step towards whatever you are dreaming of doing, matters.

If I haven’t started my TikTok page and did not start uploading those first cringy videos, I wouldn’t be where I am right now.

Think of all the things that you’re too scared to do in life.

Think of all the things that are too difficult, and maybe you think you’re not talented enough to pursue them.

But other people have done it and they have succeeded. Why can’t you?

Take out a piece of paper and pen, and list out all the things that you want to learn. The skills, talents, and hobbies.


I’m also going to do this myself after this article. Because I think it’s going to help me too.

The moral of the story is that you don’t know what is lying there ahead of you. So take a leap of faith and just do one teeny tiny, baby step towards your gigantic goal.

I have a TikTok account (@imhelenzhou) check it out and follow me!



Helen Zhou

I write about learning languages, one handed activities, Blender and YouTube!