6 Prompts for Beginners in Journaling

Helen Zhou
2 min readFeb 8, 2023


It’s February and it’s time to revisit our journals. (And start writing a single sentence in them.)

I’m going to give you 6 prompts that can hopefully get you started.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

1. What am I grateful for today?

Sample entry: I’m great for my dog. He always has the best energy, and I love when every morning he smothered me with kisses.

2. What is something I learned today?

Sample entry: I learned that not everybody likes butter on toast.

3. What are some things that bring me joy? (In general or today)

Sample entry: Something that made my day today, was my sweet neighbor bringing me a nice toasty casserole dish in winter. It was a great surprise, and it was the thing that cheered me up today.

4. What are some ways that I can take care of myself today?

Sample entry: I did 10 minutes of mindful breathing. And honestly, I think it was the best way of starting my day.

5. What are some things that I am looking forward to?

Sample entry: My trip to Banff in the summer with two of my friends. So excited. Cannot wait!

6. What are some things that I want to do in the future?

Sample entry: I would like to professionally sing and record my music. I know it’s a far-off dream, but I really want to do it.

I hope these prompts can guide you through journaling. If you veer off and talk about something completely different, it’s fine.

If you have any journaling prompts you would like to share, comment them down below!

If you haven’t read about one technique that I find very useful while journaling, check this out.



Helen Zhou

I write about learning languages, one handed activities, Blender and YouTube!